Parent & Professional Classes


Upcoming Professional and Caregiver Class!

Saturday June 8, 2024 at Rocky Mountain Riding Therapy.

Cathy Lauderbaugh offers classes to Parents and to Teachers/Early Childhood Professionals.


Topics include:

parent and professional classes
  • Communication and Feeding Developmental Milestones

  • Strategies to Support: Talking and Eating, Family Dynamics, and Learning-related Skills (such as Play and Behavior)

Classes focus on integrating strategies into the daily routines of home, school, or other settings.

Cathy teaches classes to Local Schools, New Parent Groups at Hospitals, Professional Meet-ups, and to Parent-Child playgroups. 

Cathy addresses questions such as:

How can I reduce frustration around mealtimes?

How can I help all the children in my classroom form a positive relationship with food?

When should my baby be done with the pacifier? 

When do I introduce a straw cup or solids to my child?

If my child is learning multiple languages, will milestones be different?

What is the best way to introduce sign language to my baby?

How can I help my child use more language so our interactions are more peaceful?


See the Event Archive for examples of previous classes.

Contact Cathy for information on how to set up a class for a group of professionals or a group of parents/caregivers.